Step 1 – Claim Your Seat
Email us at with the subject line “I’m in!”
Declare your intent to take a seat in the circle, and share why it is important for you to do this now.
Sign your agreements electronically, via HelloSign.
Step 2 – Bless the Exchange
Center yourself, and light a candle.
Set a clear intention that this investment will serve your Highest And Best Good.
Ask that, upon completing the journey, your investment of energy be returned to you in equal or greater value (in whatever form that Spirit deems appropriate).
Make your downpayment online.
Print a copy of your receipt and make it beautiful (see below).
Step 3 – Write Your Intentions
Create an intentional/sacred space: Slow down, light a candle, and connect with yourself.
Write a letter of intent for the mystery school program. Why are you stepping into the Circle?
Let your heart speak for you – and maybe surprise you – in this process.
Keep one copy for yourself, and make a second copy to send to Sophia Leadership.
Make these documents, as well as your receipt, beautiful in your own way – colored ink, stickers, pretty paper.
Place all the documents on your altar overnight and ask Spirit to bless them before you send.
Step 4 – Send the Packet
Prepare an envelope that includes:
The beautiful payment receipt
Your beautiful intentions
Sacred offerings (such as dried tobacco, dried flowers, etc.)
Send the packet to:
Sophia Leadership
c/o Allison Conte
98 Sunrise Lane
Boulder, CO 80302