Sophia’s Wisdom: Devotion in Action
Feminine Leadership + Feminine Spirituality
Mystery School
Sept 2023 – May 2024
Embody the leadership that’s needed now
You are a changemaker leading with a compassionate and devoted heart.
In these times of disruption and chaos, you see a powerful opportunity for positive change. You understand that outdated patriarchal systems of oppression, injustice, greed and environmental destruction are crumbling – because the old world must die in order for a new one to be born.
Your soul knows that the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible – one that is safe, just and peaceful for all – is not only possible… It is already on its way.
And you’re ready to make it real.
“Another world is not only possible… She is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
About Sophia’s Wisdom: Devotion in Action
As the old ways are dying…
We are experiencing the birthing pains of a new paradigm and witnessing the dismantling of the old paradigm, which is based on Masculine-energy-dominance (patriarchal cultures, systems and structures that do not support life).
In this Great Turning, there is a call for women to lead. Our gifts are needed, now.
If you’re a conscious leader, you already see this. You know that our existing paradigm and culture must shift – not just to sustain a financially thriving organization/business, but to sustain life on Earth.
However, here’s the tricky part: If you are still running an imbalance of Masculine and Feminine energies yourself (as most of us are), you won’t be able to lead this paradigm shift because you are still operating inside of it.
We are all challenged to rise above the old paradigm. It is deeply ingrained in our consciousness and our bodies.
To make matters worse, in turbulent times such as these, it’s challenging to show up as your best self. Along the way to unleashing your full power as a conscious feminine leader, you will inevitably stumble.
Have you ever…
… reached a point of exhaustion and fatigue from non-stop doing?
… held back your voice (didn’t speak your truth) even when it was important to do so?
… felt paralyzed in the face of change, not knowing how to move forward?
… dismissed or ignored your intuition – with negative consequences?
… lacked the creative juice and passion required to generate breakthrough results?
During these turbulent times, perhaps you’re struggling to…
… sustain your energy during a long crisis.
… find truth amidst disinformation, propaganda and lies.
… tap into flow and inspiration amidst chaos and distraction.
… engage the suffering of the world in a productive way.
… lead creatively when so many are just keeping their heads above water.
… keep your mood / energy high enough to generate positive change.
… magnetize support, resources and money for your change work.
… the new way is still emerging.
It is time for women to lead... but we must lead differently. We can’t birth a new paradigm using the leadership strategies and styles of the old.
Feminine leadership has become a buzzword of late. But most women barely scratch the surface of understanding what it truly means to embody the Feminine in leadership. Patriarchal programs are still driving their thoughts and actions – and they don’t even know it.
If you’re ready to step fully into your power and cultivate new ways of being, so that you can do what you came here to do in this lifetime… You must release old patterns and conditioning, so you can hear the whispers of the new world and allow them to inform your actions.
Signs that you might be trying to bring forward a new paradigm using the leadership of the old:
You feel stretched-thin, depleted, and under-resourced from non-stop doing – and it’s hard to see how to deepen your impact without burning out.
You sense that there is a creative, intuitive intelligence that will help you lead with greater impact and ease – but you haven’t been able to access that source consistently.
You wish you could bring more of yourself into your work – especially your passionate, emotional, devotional, magical, spiritual side – but you fear being devalued or sidelined.
There’s an uncomfortable split between your inner world of personal development, wisdom and spirituality... and your external world of career, productivity, goals, and accountability.
Your health has been asking for your attention, but there is always so much to do that your wellbeing continues to be last on the list.
You know it is time to step into greater service, but you only know how you’ve done this in the past (usually by pushing, proving, and making things happen)… and it feels like something brand new is needed in our world now.
If you’re a conscious woman leader and you hope to shift organizational culture – and our culture at large – you probably already know that you have to BE the change you want to create.
Intellectual knowledge is not sufficient; we need leaders who can generate change from deeply embodied wisdom. And that means you must go through a radical change that initiates you into an entirely new way of being, as a Feminine leader.