“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
Mary Magdalene graces the Altar
Over the past four days, I hosted an invitation-only ceremony retreat for the Sophia Salon, an intimate group of some the highest-caliber women changemakers that I am privileged to know in my professional world.
It turned out to be a further step on my journey as a spiritual guide and teacher.
True to the mystery school tradition, I planned no content and instead allowed myself to speak as Spirit moved me in the moment, to facilitate really good conversations, and to work directly with the emergent energy in the room. I payed a lot of attention to the way the energy moved in the field and the guidance that I received from Spirit.
As was prophesied 10 years ago in my Human Design reading, I now teach from my direct gnostic experience on the spiritual path.
As we were celebrating the feast day of Mary Magdalene, one of the ways that I stepped up was to tell the entire story of my mystical relationship with Mary Magdalene and Rabbi Yeshua, and some big pieces of wisdom that I received directly from them. No holds barred. I shared intimate details that I have only ever shared with my husband and spiritual mentors.
Another way I stepped up was to invite the women into my morning devotional prayer practice. In last year's mystery school, I was too shy to do this. Instead, I gave the women free time in the morning to practice as they wished. Yesterday, as we finished our morning practice, I gazed around the room and my heart just about burst at the felt experience of the radiance on their faces, the tears glistening in their eyes and the joy in their hearts. The love and devotion in that room will give me spiritual fuel for a long, long time.
I am absolutely in LOVE with each of these women. I am in AWE of their transformations. They really went for it. For the sacrament prayer ceremony, JT showed up to hold the space with me. The women did incredibly deep and challenging work and came through to the other side having faced into gut-wrenching grief, shame, fear and doubt; bravely descended further down and in to the body; gathered up more of themselves; tapped into a deep well of inner peace; connected with the Great Web of Life; and expanded to be able to offer more Love to themselves and others.
I am so excited about the possibilities for their change-work, as they live into these incredible upgrades in their Beingness.
I share the quote above from the Talmud to remind myself and all of us... that this is it. We do not have to change the entire world. We only need to light up our little corner of it.
From our perch in the Sanctuary for Sacred Union’s little home temple on the top of Boulder Mountain, we sent prayers and blessings to all. I hope your heart caught the breeze and received some of that Goodness because it was SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD.
With love from Allison