Burning Hot In My Heart

Holy shit I am still buzzing from delivering a temple transmission this morning in The Way of Sophia experience.

That was a LOT of voltage coming through!

This Lion's Gate, I have been doing some soul-alchemy to rekindle my inner fire... And wow. Just WOW.

Note to self: Keep praying for the good stuff!


With the burning hot in my heart, I'm opening the temple doors for Sophia's Wisdom: Devotion in Action, mystery school for feminine leadership.

This mystery school is for women change leaders who are committed to ushering in a new paradigm with love, peace, equality, wholeness and truth as central values that are actually LIVED and EMBODIED, not just talked about.

That means, we get to go first.

We get to do the messy work of embodying this paradigm ourselves. We get to dismantle the old ways that do not serve life – not by pointing at them from a superior perch in the clouds, or by blaming others for perpetuating the patriarchy, or by complaining about how these damned old ways are so hard to live with.


We get to dismantle those old ways IN HERE, before we can do anything about what's OUT THERE.

We came here to show the new way forward. Let's do this thing.

