Feminine leadership is quite the hot topic in business. All the rage.
But here's the thing. If you're following (or offering) a version of "It's easy - I've done it and I'll show you how..." That's a good sign that you may be hooked in to the old paradigm.
This morning, a friend offered to introduce me to another woman whose story read, "I've slain the dragons and crushed the ego and forged the path for you... Follow me!" Or something like that.
My jaw dropped. I had nothing to say other than, um, no thanks, that doesn't resonate for me.
“I hope you won’t fall for quick-fixes or teachers
who claim to have arrived. They’re not true.
And they might actually set us back a bit.”
I’ll tell you a story…
I once worked with a tremendously gifted business coach who claimed to have found the holy grail of feminine leadership. But in her actual practice of leadership, she operated on the dark side of many masculine values – and could not see this about herself.
She refused to share power. Claimed to have the final Truth with a capital T about everyone. Would not collaborate. Was not curious. Insisted on being right. Actually threatened me and screamed at me in public, when I disagreed with her – about MY experience.
Before you get all huffy about this, please know that I feel compassion for her because I feel compassion for myself – and for you.
Because there is only one of us here.
Facing into the Mystery
None of us are immune from being hooked into the old paradigm. It lives in our bones, in our DNA, in our ancestry. We all have remnants of the codes of patriarchy in our systems. It has been the air we breathe for 5,000 years.
I have been at this feminine leadership thing for 10 years, in a deep and devoted way. While I do know some things, and I embody the Feminine more than I did 10 years ago, I am still learning how to lead and do business in this new way.
We all are.
That's because it's not easy to birth an entirely new paradigm! Well, maybe it is easy for Goddess. But not for us.
We humans are participating in the divine unfolding, not orchestrating it. What is coming through the birth canal is a Mystery to us all.
So please. I hope you won't fall for quick-fixes or teachers who claim to have arrived. They're not true. And they might actually set us back a bit.
Feminine leadership is still unfolding
Truly integrated and embodied Feminine Leadership cannot be learned in a weekend, or a "5-tips" article. Perhaps it cannot be mastered even in a decade, or a lifetime.
A friend of mine, agreeing with me about this on Facebook, said it beautifully: “Divine Feminine leadership can’t have been already claimed because it is still being revealed.”
Rewriting ancient codes takes time, because we are embedded in a collective field. And the collective field remains deeply entrenched in the old paradigm, even as some of us are listening for the new paradigm, tuning in to its frequencies, practicing with the new ways, and doing our best to embody what we learn...
None of us are free until we're all free.
The best we can do is refrain from judging each other, and from lying to ourselves about where we actually are in the birthing process.